Friday, May 22, 2020

Cloud Computing And Ethics And Code Of Professional Conduct

Cloud computing can be viewed as one of the most rapidly growing and evolving paradigm.Webmail,online storage and online documents are most famous examples in which customers can access their data via web browsers on the internet. The original idea of the cloud computing was delivered by J.C.R Licklider in sixties (Mohamed 2009). Cloud computing has developed since then and started to server the publics after internet offered a significant bandwidth in the nineties (Mohamed 2009). Cloud computing has been through many different phases and is still rapidly evolving. There is no doubt that the cloud computing brings significant change and influence to the world. It also raises numerous ethical issues. This essay will discuss the ethical issues regarding Cloud computing in line with Australian Computer Society’s Code of ethics and code of professional conduct. To achieve this, this essay will first provide a brief description of Cloud Computing followed by discussion of ethical issues of this technology. Possible solutions for these issues are last presented as the conclusion. Cloud computing is quickly evolving and expanding, thus it’s hard to precisely define this technology (Pallis 2010). However, the main features of cloud computing can be identified according to national institute of standards and technology (NIST)’s definition: â€Å"Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resourcesShow MoreRelatedThe Need For Computing Systems1481 Words   |  6 PagesThe need for computing systems has been increasing in the last decades. This can be proved by the increase on the use of cloud computing. 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