Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Famous Creative Thinkers Presentation Essay Example for Free

Celebrated Creative Thinkers Presentation Essay Celebrated Creative Thinkers Presentation I pick Carl Sagan as one of the individuals that I felt has given an incredible commitment to the world. Carl Sagan was conceived in Brooklyn, New York the child of a settler laborer from the Russian Empire. Name after his mother’s mother. Carl had a sister and his mom was defensive of him. Carl’s mother was not par's place to fit in the public activity, so she was limited. At the point when his folks took him to the New York World Fair, Carl was so energized when he saw the entombment of a period case, stars and different shows that would prompt his curiosity about the world. Further down the road Carl and others would manufacture time cases, yet these future conveyed into space for other living things to discover and they would contain Carl’s recollections structure the world reasonable. Carl’s guardians helped his developing enthusiasm for science by getting him books about science and science sets. He wanted to peruse the books about sci-fi stories, by authors, for example, H. G. Wells and Edgar Rice Burroughs, they made his creative mind considerably more stunning his about whether there was life on different planets, for example, Mars, Jupiter and Venus. Carl went to the University of Chicago and got his single men and was a piece of the Ryerson Astronomical Society. He got his Bachelors of Science in Physics, a Master of Science in material science and a PhD In astronomy and stargazing. Carl was denied residency at Harvard, as a result of his logical promotion, being broadly exposed. Carl Sagan was an extraordinary space expert, cosmologist, creator, astrophysicist, science communicator, and science popularizer. Due to his incredible requests with regards to what did what and why Carl thought about if there was genuinely life outside of the earth. He was the first to really make the primary messages that were sent into space. He contemplated the earth, stars, planets, he made messages that he thought could be comprehended by the extraterrestrials. He had more than 600 articles distributed thatâ were logical and composed or co-wrote in excess of 20 books. The honor winning arrangement named Cosmos was likewise via Carl Sagan. He was a teacher in space science at the University of Cornell; he was a piece of the NASA as a counsel. Due to the Cosmos individuals had the option to all the more likely relate and comprehend Carl’s thoughts regarding the value of humankind. Carl did his reasoning the most ideal way that he knew and that was to do it his way. Due to Carl they had the option to gain proficiency with the high surface temperature on the planet Venus, was because of the dryness. He was likewise the first to consider Saturn’s moon Titan may have contains fluids on a superficial level and that the Jupiter’s moon Europa may have seas. Carl did sorted out research on such undertakings as Near Earth Objects, he created the Deflection Dilemma, which would avoid a space rock away from the Earth, and afterward it could be conceivable to redirect it back to the earth. During his profession Sagan would be especially scrutinized regarding his adequacy, when it came to extraterrestrial life. Carl wanted to ask individuals to listen utilizing radio telescopes to check whether they could hear signals from space that could assist him with demonstrating that there were other living things. Because of the absence of conviction call expressed an appeal and had the option to get 70 researchers to sign it upholding the SETI that was additionally distributed in his diary of Science. Carl would later proceed to clarify his hypotheses and use science to uncover them to the world. His life power was devoted to science. Under President Regan down-poured there was to be a Strategic Defense Initiative, that would cost billions of dollars however it would build up a safeguard against atomic rocket assaults, a Carl was against this since he felt that there was no genuine method to do this and by doing so would unbalance the Soviet Union and United States settling on progress in the arms understanding. There was an examination called : The Nevada Desert Experience† is the place Carl would later be captured twice for climbing a fence at the dissent at the Nevada Test Site so as to challenge the legislature for utilizing test destinations that were testing in the Nuclear weapons and they where they were directing the explosions. Carl was additionally noted as a free soul and intellectual. References Whitehouse, David (October 15, 1999). Carl Sagan: A real existence in the universe. BBC News (BBC). Recovered August 30, American National Biography Online, Carl Sagan. Wikipedia, The free reference book Bansky is the second individual that I decide to compose on. Bansky is an exceptionally inventive craftsman that did road and divider spray painting, painter, movie chief and political lobbyist. Nobody truly knew is genuine name or when he was conceived. He was the child of a professional, was conceived in Bristol England. Initially he was prepared to be a butcher. Some state that his work is like that of Blek le Rat. Bansky was intrigued by a craftsman known as 3D who was an individual from a gathering called Massive Attack. Bansky shows his specialty to people in general yet he doesn't sell photograph designs are generations of his work. His first film was called Exit through the Gift Shop was a debacle. His specialty is a piece of the Bristol Underground Scene. He like the way that stencils would assist with utilizing less an ideal opportunity to finish an undertaking. Bansky escaped the police while utilizing stencils as a spread while he made his work. There was an announcement to be made in every single one of Bansky’s fine arts. Bansky works are generally all enemy of something. He didn't affirm of the way that individuals thought about craftsmanship on surfaces as spray painting. He needed to show that it was genuine craftsmanship and begin to do painting and other such workmanship on open structure and open spots. Bansky, did his first show in Los Angeles at the 33 1/3 Gallery and the display called Existentialism, later he would deliver such shows like Turf Wars, Monet’s Water Lily Pond, Barely Legal, and Bansky impact. The Bansky impact is a method of labeling as well as utilizing craftsmanship to communicate things and making zones more brilliant and lovely to take a gander at. There is certifiably not a specific procedure Bansky utilized whatever he thought to be utilize full at that point. Bansky workmanship has been referred to be thought as a method of retribution for the underclass. To label a mother people craftsmanship is ill bred, and speaks to them removing force or region and not maintaining the guidelines. Bansky’s works can be so extraordinary yet excellent when he does his craft despite the fact that it is viewed as spray painting it is delightful. He built up an amount of parody British cash notes, where the head was not the Queens but rather the Princess Dianaâ €™s and text was transformed from the Bank of England to Bansky of England. Despite the fact that they were not genuine notes today they are of extraordinary worth. Bansky likewise was answerable for nine representations on a bank divider in Palestine on the Israeli’s West Bank. Bansky has a flare to make a joke of brought together force, also express that force can neutralize you. At the point when it came to legislative issues, Bansky was believed to be against one party rule, hostile to dominion, against free enterprise, against tyranny, skepticism, existentialism and turmoil. Bansky utilized pictures and visual as a way to make his fine art. I felt that h could have made his work increasingly practical by not adding things to make the genuine scene a joke. In any case, when there is a craftsman they can just put what they feel is their style of workmanship. Bansky was likewise answerable for Money Bart of the Simpsons. I didn't perceive any scholarly references. Bansky’s workmanship was denied from craftsmanship and performers. References Imaginative ThinkersBanksy makes new Simpsons title arrangement. BBC Banksy, Street Art Cult Hero, International Man of Mystery. The Village Voice./Wikipedia, The free reference book

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How to Come Up with an Iconic Character Name in 12 Steps

Instructions to Come Up with an Iconic Character Name in 12 Steps Step by step instructions to Come Up With A Character Name: an Author's Guide Before you’ve even began your novel, you’re at risk for slowing down on one urgent detail: how to concoct a character name.Will you pick a short, gruff name, similar to James Bond? A vital one, as Holden Caulfield? Will you go with mindfulness, as Artful Dodger, or absurdism, similar to Ignatius Reilly? Or then again, maybe, will you pick no name at all?Coming up with character names shouldn’t be outlandish, yet it is significant. To assist you with exploring this exceptionally significant decision, we found 12 stages. Above all, how about we unload why you probably won't have any desire to just select a name from a hat.Why do names matter?Think of any character from any book. Got one? We're willing to wager they aren’t named â€Å"John.†For a name to stick in the reader’s head, it ought to be as mindful as each other part of your novel. Character names are to characters as titles are to books, so if you’re aimlessly putting finger to telephone directory when picking one, you’re doing it wrong.Fortunately, it’s not very difficult to do right. As a general rule, a character name has only a couple of things to establish:Clarity: Helps the peruser separate between the major players.Character: Reveals character and the sort of character without expecting to state in excess of a word.Bankability: The correct name can make your character iconic.As for how to pick a character name yourself, that’s an entire other inquiry - one we’ll try replying straightaway. Pop Quiz: Do you know the three reasons that character names matter? Step by step instructions to think of a character nameYou merit more than sound judgment guidance that you could concoct yourself: just offer names to significant characters, for example, or evade regular names. These are 12 top rack stunts to acing the craft of naming a character. Did you concoct any character names you're especially pleased with? Show them off in the remark box beneath!

Monday, July 27, 2020

How to Be Newlyweds After Years of Marriage

How to Be Newlyweds After Years of Marriage Relationships Spouses & Partners Print 7 Ways to Be Newlyweds After Years of Marriage By Marni Feuerman Marni Feuerman is a psychotherapist in private practice who has been helping couples with marital issues for more than 27 years. Learn about our editorial policy Marni Feuerman Updated on June 25, 2019 PeopleImages/CreativeRF/Getty More in Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems LGBTQ Violence and Abuse A healthy and invigorating  marriage is something all couples should strive to maintain, regardless of age or years married. High-spirited relationships are often envied by others, but more critically, you will prevent the mundane tasks of daily life from thwarting long-term happiness. However, both spouses have to put forth deliberate effort to prevent a marriage from going stale. During the honeymoon phase  (which, by the way, lasts less than a year), couples focus most their attention on their significant other. They never imagine a time when anything else could vie for their attention. Men and women alike abound with energy and spontaneity during this “incubation” period. Now, fast-forward a few years: spouses have a career, the family has grown by one or more children, and the laundry basket is overflowingâ€"not exactly romantic. How Do You Preserve That Surreal Newlywed Feeling? Well . . . it starts with the realization that your marriage is worthy of the commitment you made when you said, “I do.” Also, all foolish notions have to be put to rest. Only in movies and romance novels do men and women communicate without talking, or have romantic rendezvous without thought or planning. Contrary to popular belief, love takes effort.   Luckily, there are many simple ways to keep the romance alive in your marriage and demonstrate your continuing  love  for your spouse. Simple Actions That Will Light a Spark in Your Marriage 1. A Special Dinner Make reservations at their favorite restaurant for no particular occasion. You be the designated driver and let them enjoy a few drinks. Or, if money is a bit tight, plan a picnic or a special meal at home with a flavorfulâ€"but reasonably pricedâ€"bottle of wine. 2. Movie Night Take your spouse to the movie theater and let them take pleasure in a show of their choosing. You may not enjoy love stories or action movies, but marriage is about compromise. Again, if money is tight, rent a movie and make a big bowl of buttery popcorn. The point is to make your partner feel good. 3. A Weekend Alone If you have children, make plans for them to stay with relatives for the weekend. Use your imagination. Spend the weekend ordering takeout and practicing bedroom gymnastics, make reservations at an exclusive bed and breakfast in the middle of nowhere, or take a skiing trip to the mountainsâ€"even if you don’t ski. 4. Surprise Each Other One of the best aspects of a new relationship or being newly married is the constant element of surprise and novelty. At this point, you know so much about your spouse, and it takes quite a bit to surprise him or her. But why not think up a way to truly catch your spouse off guard (in a good way). For example, have the kids gone when your spouse comes home from work to have an intimate dinner and finish things off in the bedroom? When was the last time you wore lingerie, left him a love note or sent her a bouquet of flowers for no reason? It’s time to get creative. 5. Look at Old Pictures Sit together and go through old photos or albums. Reminisce about your memories. Reflect upon your history together and places you have been together. Share some laughs and maybe even cry some tears. 6. Make Out Flashback to when you were a teenager or when you first met each other. Make out just for fun.  If it leads to that then great. But the point is to do something fun and different that will get the dopamine flowing again. 7. Do Something Different Take the initiative, just like you did when you were dating, to plan a fun date or a new activity. Do not do anything that you usually do. It’s time to get creative. Perhaps a museum exhibit, an art show, an escape room, or a lecture on a fascinating topic? Approach your spouse with excitement when you say where you are taking him or her. Notice what all these ideas have in common: they take thought and planning. Nothing ?zaps the spark out of your marriage like taking each other for granted. So show your spouse you’re committed to maintaining a healthy relationship. Whether it’s a particular gift (lingerie, flowers, power tools, etc.) or a note placed in the briefcase, continually make an effort. Why not become the envy of all your friends. More importantly, demonstrate to your children how healthy, loving, and committed parents conduct themselves. In the end, everyone will benefit from your happy marriage. Why Are the First Two Years of Marriage so Important?

Friday, May 22, 2020

Cloud Computing And Ethics And Code Of Professional Conduct

Cloud computing can be viewed as one of the most rapidly growing and evolving paradigm.Webmail,online storage and online documents are most famous examples in which customers can access their data via web browsers on the internet. The original idea of the cloud computing was delivered by J.C.R Licklider in sixties (Mohamed 2009). Cloud computing has developed since then and started to server the publics after internet offered a significant bandwidth in the nineties (Mohamed 2009). Cloud computing has been through many different phases and is still rapidly evolving. There is no doubt that the cloud computing brings significant change and influence to the world. It also raises numerous ethical issues. This essay will discuss the ethical issues regarding Cloud computing in line with Australian Computer Society’s Code of ethics and code of professional conduct. To achieve this, this essay will first provide a brief description of Cloud Computing followed by discussion of ethical issues of this technology. Possible solutions for these issues are last presented as the conclusion. Cloud computing is quickly evolving and expanding, thus it’s hard to precisely define this technology (Pallis 2010). However, the main features of cloud computing can be identified according to national institute of standards and technology (NIST)’s definition: â€Å"Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resourcesShow MoreRelatedThe Need For Computing Systems1481 Words   |  6 PagesThe need for computing systems has been increasing in the last decades. This can be proved by the increase on the use of cloud computing. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020

Symptoms And Effects On Health Care System - 1600 Words

Introduction Patients’ safety is a priority in today’s health care system. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced that hospitals will no longer be reimbursed for certain nosocomial conditions, thus placing a great demand on healthcare systems to prevent hospital-acquired health related injuries such as falls (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008). Nosocomial conditions, such as falls are conditions that are preventable that occur in the clinical or hospital setting. A fall is an unexpected event in which the participant comes to rest on the ground, floor, or lower level (Amador Loera, 2006). Fall related accidents, injuries and death remain a major problem among hospitalized patients. It is estimated that one out of three adult patients over the age of 65 will fall (CDC, 2014). Falls have detrimental effects and impact on patients’ health and outcome as well as hospitalizations costs. Falls have attributed to broken bones, fractured hips, fear of walking alone, brain trauma, and even death. In 2012, the direct medical costs of older adult falls were $30 billion (CDC, 2014). According to Tzeng, Yin, Grunawalt (2008), even the length of stay is affected, with inpatient falls with injury resulting in a 7.5-day increase in total length of stay. The attributed cost of falls, increased in injuries and prolonged hospital stay have a great impact on Advanced Practice Nurses’ (APNs) practice. The focus of this paper is to discuss evidenced-basedShow MoreRelatedInteractive Health Communication Applications ( Ichas )1486 Words   |  6 Pages Interactive health communication applications (ICHAs) are internet-based patient centered support systems designed to enhance patient-clinician partnerships. Variable differences between the presentations of symptoms can impact a patient’s subjective experience of illness. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Web And Media Technologies Platform Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

The WMTP is one of the spouses in the Zisukhanyo Schools Project that is funded by an Irish charity, the Protea Education Development Project. This undertaking provides computing machine labs and support services to three schools: Eastville, Liesbeeck and Mitchell Heights Primary Schools in Mitchell ‘s Plain, South Africa over a period of three old ages. The function of WMTP in this undertaking is to present three wellness publicity intercessions[ 3 ]to educate and raise consciousness on HIV among the participating schools. We will write a custom essay sample on Web And Media Technologies Platform Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Background HIV and AIDS have reached epidemic proportions in most parts of sub-Saharan Africa and have therefore become globally important in the broader wellness environment. By 1997, 20.8 million HIV and AIDS instances were recorded in this part ; this constitutes two-thirds of the planetary sum of people populating with AIDS for that twelvemonth ( Paul-Ebhohimhen, Poobalan A ; Van Teijlingen, 2008 ) . It is, nevertheless, the impact of the pandemic on striplings ‘ wellness that causes much more concern. Bankole ( 2008 ) estimates that 4.3 % of immature adult females and 1.5 % of immature work forces aged between 15 to 24 old ages were populating with HIV at the terminal of 2005. Current estimations are that half of all new instances of HIV infection occur in people under the age of 25 and that 80 % of AIDS instances worldwide are between 15 and 24. In the same survey it was reported that really immature striplings ( ages 12-14 ) are already going sexually active. In the above-named survey it was found that although these immature people had cognition of HIV and contraceptive method, they earnestly lacked the in-depth apprehension on these subjects that could perchance forestall them from undertaking HIV and other sexually familial infections, or going pregnant. Therefore, it is important to convey the right information to these immature people before they become sexually act ive. The overpowering grounds suggested that aiming striplings as a bad group for preventive intercessions at the right phase should go a critical portion of any scheme reacting to HIV and AIDS. With this in head the WMTP developed its attack to steer the HIV intercessions for the Zisukhanyo Schools Project. Our attack The PPKTM was developed and refined by the WMTP over several old ages ( Van Zyl A ; Mattheyse, 2007 ) and its rules provide ongoing counsel for the execution of the HIV Prevention and Education Events. High-level rules include to: set up a relationship of trust with the mark communities transportation accurate information on HIV and AIDS in a manner that it is understood and impacts on the life styles of communities empower members of the communities, through instruction, with HIV cognition and accomplishments that they in bend can circulate to the wider community affect engagement of non-government administrations ( NGOs ) and community-based administrations ( CBOs ) to promote ownership of the cognition sharing events by the communities. perform ongoing monitoring and rating of intercessions. This attack farther intends to steer the scholars towards purposes of behaviour alteration as demonstrated with the overall subject to develop youth leading. Harmonizing to Mahat G et Al ( 2007 ) purposes of behaviour alteration can further efficaciously be achieved through authorising attacks such as equal instruction. The attack relies on the wellness belief theoretical account ( Rosenstock, 1966 ) which suggests that if a individual has a desire to avoid unwellness or to acquire good ( value ) and the belief that a specific wellness action would forestall unwellness ( anticipation ) , so a positive behavioral action will be taken. Groups of parents and pedagogues have undergone two equal pedagogues ‘ classs and another is planned for 2010. Intervention implemented in the Zisukhanyo Schools Project 2008-2010 The 2008-2010 Zisukhanyo Schools Project insofar as it relates to HIV, comprised of three intercessions: HIV Prevention and Education Events to raise consciousness on HIV and AIDS on appropriate yearss in the South African calendar such as Youth Day and Women ‘s Day every bit good as the planetary World AIDS Day. The mark groups are the broad school community: all the scholars and pedagogues every bit good as sing parents and invitees. Three events take topographic point at each school for each undertaking twelvemonth. Summary of 2009 study The WMTP ‘s attack to these intercessions was based on old ages of experience in carry oning appropriate eHealth research in the application of a Peer to Peer Knowledge Transfer Model ( PPKTM ) for community wellness publicity intercessions. HIV events were organised at each of the three take parting schools: Liesbeeck, Eastville, and Mitchell Heights Primary Schools, on three outstanding yearss in the South African calendar, viz. , Youth Day, Women ‘s Day and World AIDS Day during 2009. The intercession aimed to enable the mark groups to go knowing on HIV bar, which harmonizing to the Health Belief Model theory, would take to purposes of behaviour alteration. The overall subject for the events was â€Å" Develop our young person, the leaders of tomorrow † . Four aims were identified with pre-determined indexs to mensurate the extent to which the purpose of this intercession was met. All these aims were either met or exceeded. Consequences showed a entire addition of 11 % in scholars ‘ HIV cognition and a 17 % addition in their cognition on HIV leading. The 2nd aim indicated that the pedagogues intended to recycle the stuffs which were supplied to them for the events, in their instruction of Life Orientation in school. There was an addition in the attending of parents at the events, particularly where they had heard of the event on the wireless beforehand during the particular proclamations that were broadcast in the preamble taking up to the event. The concluding aim, to construct a platform for HIV cognition sharing and networking among the mark groups, was besides met as measured by four of the indexs. Recommendations for the concluding twelvemonth include that results from all three HIV intercessions should be integrated where possible to derive optimal benefits. Emphasis should be placed on the sharing of HIV bar schemes with scholars, every bit good as encouraging of parents ‘ engagement. The wireless run plays an built-in function to prosecute the wider community and should be maintained. The overall subject, of making young person leaders, should besides be expanded upon. This is driven by research grounds that communities are much more likely to go sceptered to alter their behavior when information and behavior alterations are advocated by members from within their little community and the fact that learners rely to a great extent on their friends as a beginning of cognition on the subjects of safe sex and HIV. A Peer Educators ‘ Course taking to develop pedagogues and parents as HIV equal pedagogues who would take part in the HIV Prevention and Education Events and community enterprises. One class attended by pedagogues from all the schools is presented per twelvemonth for the continuance of the undertaking rhythm. Summary of 2009 study The Peer Educators ‘ Course is a cognition merchandise that was developed to construct capacity on HIV among pedagogues. The class is presented yearly to pedagogues and parents of the Zisukhanyo Schools Project. These consequences refer to the September 2009 class presented to parents and pedagogues of the Zisukhanyo Schools Project in Mitchell ‘s Plain and the Intshayelelo Primary School in Khayelitsha, South Africa. Quantitative information analyses showed that 37 % of the pedagogues who attended the class taught Life Orientation, the acquisition country where HIV is addressed in the South African course of study. The norm of the pedagogues ‘ experience in learning the topic was nine old ages. Many of these pedagogues do non hold the assurance, accomplishments or cognition to educate primary school scholars on HIV and AIDS or discourse sensitive subjects such as sex instruction. Yet, they do gain the importance of sharing cognition of these subjects with their scholars. The class proved to be a great aid to the participants with statistically important betterments in all countries after the class. There was a 54 % addition in HIV cognition and a 40 % addition in accomplishments development to discourse sensitive issues with scholars. Further analyses were conducted through categorising and aggregating qualitative informations which showed that pedagogues ‘ outlooks before the class ( 46 % ) were largely related to factors which came from outside the schoolrooms, such as the assorted cultural backgrounds of scholars and the general ignorance of society sing AIDS. Before the preparation, 51 % of participants arrived with an outlook of increasing their HIV cognition and 26 % of beef uping their educational accomplishments in these countries. All the participants commented after the class that their outlooks of the class had either been met, or exceeded. A notable observation was the greater figure of parents ‘ attending. Their increased inv olvement implies more HIV equal pedagogues to go active in the greater community. The consequences serve to show that the preparation class is an effectual tool to construct capacity of these important accomplishments and cognition among participants to enable them to move as HIV equal pedagogues in circulating HIV cognition and educating these communities which have been badly affected by the HIV epidemic. By utilizing pedagogues and parents at schools as members from within this community, the cognition has a much higher opportunity of conveying about the needed behavior alterations ( Hilfinger et al 2009 ) . HIV/AIDS eLearning Undertaking During the first undertaking twelvemonth ( September 2008 to May 2009 ) , Eastville Primary School in Mitchells Plain was selected to take part with an Irish school, Wesley College in Dublin to undergo in-depth eLearning on different facets of HIV. After the eLearning stage, conducted in a unafraid country of the AfroAIDSinfo Web portal, scholars from both schools sub-divided into little groups with two South African and two Irish scholars in each group. These scholars collaborated via an email treatment forum to develop HIV booklets as end product of their cognition consumption. The Collaborative eLearning Undertaking is considered by the MRC as an advanced intercession on cognition transportation and sharing. The purpose of this intercession is to reassign cognition on HIV and AIDS to South African ( SA ) and Irish scholars through the technique of eLearning. The undertaking was initiated in response to the high prevalence of HIV in South Africa and four aims were identified for the undertaking. These aims included: proviso of dependable HIV cognition ; utilizing Information and Communication Technologies for cognition sharing ; enabling communicating between two schools ; and development of a cognition merchandise ( brochure/pamphlet ) by scholars as an result of the eLearning and cognition sharing undertaking. It was the first chance for scholars from both states to be exposed to eLearning. Information and Communication Technologies ( ICTs ) to which scholars were exposed included electronic mail, the Web, hunt engines and a listserv ( email treatment forum ) . An online questionnaire which measured HIV cognition degrees of scholars involved was implemented before and after the intercession. A comparative analysis of the informations on scholars HIV cognition degrees showed an addition of 20.9 % for SA and 17.4 % for Irish scholars. Further analysis revealed an addition of 26.1 % for SA and 23.2 % for Irish scholars in the usage of ICTs. The minimum difference between the two groups reflected that the Irish scholars had better IT skills than their opposite numbers based on their old exposure to ICTs. There were two inquiries in the post-questionnaires that scholars completed after the programme intercession which focused on bridging socio-economic and cultural divides. Both the Irish and South African scholars scored more than 50 % on bridging the cultural barriers. These consequences were supported by qualitative analysis where both SA and Irish scholars made self-generated remarks on get the better ofing cultural barriers. During the collaborative stage the scholars developed HIV booklets in group work as a merchandise of their HIV cognition consumption during the Collaborative eLearning Project. All the groups submitted booklets and received base on balls Markss. The scholars reported the collaborative group work and interaction as the high spot of the programme intercession where 67 % of the SA and 85 % of the Irish scholars mentioned how much they enjoyed and benefited from the intercession. An Irish scholar said â€Å" I greatly enjoyed the undertaking. It opened my eyes to the universe ‘s jobs with AIDS/HIV. I besides learned a batch about the south African civilization and people through speech production with my spouses through electronic mail. † A South African scholar commented â€Å" I enjoyed it really much, it was merriment I liked being portion of this undertaking. I learned more about computing machines and to populate a healthy life style. When I grow up and run into person I will be faithful to him and condomise. † The two groups were guided through the HIV/AIDS eLearning Undertaking by pedagogues who submitted regular milepost studies. For the pedagogues it was the first clip that they were exposed to eLearning and it was a learning procedure with many challenges for them every bit good. The Irish pedagogue mentioned in his concluding study â€Å" I would extremely urge the coaction stage as it allows a existent dimension to the undertaking and sets it apart from other topics a pupil might take at school. † A concluding word from the South African pedagogue was â€Å" my scholars afterwards excelled in Life Orientation appraisals where they were tested on gender and HIV/AIDS and I attribute it to the HIV/AIDS eLearning Undertaking. † Suggested HIV intercessions for the drawn-out undertaking Based on the successful execution of the 2008-2010 Zisukhanyo Schools Project, the undermentioned recommendations are made for the extension of the undertaking: Settings attack: The drawn-out undertaking insofar as it relates to the HIV and AIDS intercessions, will be managed harmonizing to a wellness publicity scenes attack. A settings attack for schools is selected as a school is considered a little community with its ain civilization and is a wellness advancing environment in its ain right ( Naidoo A ; Wills, 2009 ) . A holistic bottom-up authorization and educational attack will be followed. The intercession aims to systematically consequence alterations in wellness and societal wellbeing for the whole community based on participative planning. A Highly positive societal and wellness instruction activities will authorise scholars to take control over their lives.A Empowerment of scholars as persons and as a group intends to ruffle alteration throughout the school setting.A Outcomes include: Improved self esteem among scholars, moving as agents to act upon the community ; Development of HIV cognition, accomplishments and assurance among scholars ; A supportive and caring community ; School community influenced to take healthy life styles. Interventions are: HIV Prevention and Education Events: These are suggested to be continued on three selected yearss during the class of a twelvemonth at each school as they are the chief channels to raise consciousness on HIV and AIDS. Based on the aims of wellness publicity, extra efforts will be made to authorise the school community to develop HIV cognition, accomplishments and assurance to better their wellness ( Naidoo A ; Wills, 2009 ) . In a societal context, self-pride will be developed through assorted group activities to enable scholars to do independent determinations for positive wellness action ( Wallerstein, 2002 ) . As a personal resource, empowerment develops power and assurance in persons for proactive stairss towards personal wellbeing ( Ottawa Charter, 1986 ) . The other intercessions listed below are introduced to back up this intercession. Peer Educators ‘ Course: Different customised equal pedagogues ‘ classs are suggested for pedagogues, parents and scholars. Our current class for pedagogues has been modified for community members and will be more suited for presentation to parents. A customised class will be developed and presented to youth leaders as a continuance of an overarching subject to develop young person leaders in an HIV context. The primary focal point will be pedagogues and scholars with some for parents during the complete undertaking rhythm. These classs intend to lend to the cognition, accomplishments and assurance of participants to move within the school community as agents to reassign HIV cognition, create supportive environments for larning and engagement – taking to swear, authorization and community spirit. HIV/AIDS eLearning Undertaking: A research survey will predate the first Extended Zisukhanyo Schools Project eLearning to compare schoolroom larning to eLearning, organizing portion of the initial Zisukhanyo Schools Project 2008-2010 between SA/Irish eLearning scheduled to get down in May 2010. Funders: Protea Schools Development Project ( eLearning constituent ) ; MRC, WCED and SA Dept of Treasury ( schoolroom constituent ) . Two suggestions for eLearning are proposed: That the South African schools participate in the eLearning intercession as a group ( 8 schools each in their second undertaking twelvemonth ) . These intercessions should non take topographic point until all the schools have computing machine labs and received computing machine literacy preparation. Alternatively one of the first eight schools participates in their second undertaking twelvemonth with an Irish school ; and one of the following eight schools participates in their second undertaking twelvemonth with an Irish school. The specific intercession will be implemented harmonizing to the discretion of the funder. The budget below is presented in one-year format. Proposed budget Year 1 – 2010 8 schools MRC Funder Project direction, disposal, scientists R 300A 000,00 R 300A 000,00 1 ) HIV Peer Educators ‘ Course ( 1 for pedagogues and 1 for scholars @ 40 participants each ) Peer Education class, statistical analysis, study authorship, refreshments R 296A 254,84 Development of scholars Peer Education stuff R 78A 000,00 Travel of pedagogues and scholars to peer instruction class R 43A 200,00 2 ) HIV Prevention and Education events ( 3 events for 8 schools ) HIV activities aligned to the SA course of study, presentation, address, parents ‘ stuff R 30A 000,00 Guidance to radio Stationss A ; function theoretical account in colloquialising research content R 16A 084,54 1 hr programme for broadcasts before events – Radio Stations R 40A 000,00 R 83A 490,00 Outside broadcast on yearss of events – Radio Station Engagement of the function theoretical account R 183A 678,00 Development A ; printing of difficult transcript resources for events R 20A 000,00 R 24A 000,00 Traveling R 20A 000,00 R 20A 000,00 Repackaging of all broadcasts into podcasts and composing articles for online publication R 5A 000,00 R 10A 235,00 Telephone connectivity R 33A 396,00 Refreshments – parents and pedagogues R 36A 000,00 Statistical analysis and concluding year-end study R 83A 490,00 Entire R 509A 084,54 R 1A 113A 743,84 MRC fiscal disposal levy @ 15 % R 167A 061,58 Grand sum R 509A 084,54 R 1A 280A 805,42 Percentage part by each spouse 31.37 % 68.63 % Year 2 – 2011 16 schools MRC Funder Project direction, disposal, scientists R 350A 000,00 R 350A 000,00 1 ) HIV Peer Educators ‘ Course ( 1 for pedagogues, 1 for parents and 2 for scholars @ 40 participants each ) Peer Education class, statistical analysis, study authorship, refreshments R 681A 386,13 Travel of pedagogues and scholars to peer instruction class R 99A 360,00 2 ) HIV Prevention and Education events ( 3 events for 16 schools ) HIV activities aligned to the SA course of study, presentation, address, parents ‘ stuff R 69A 000,00 Guidance to radio Stationss A ; function theoretical account in colloquialising research content R 36A 994,44 2 hr programme for broadcasts before events – Radio Stations R 92A 000,00 R 192A 027,00 Outside broadcast on yearss of events – Radio Station Engagement of the function theoretical account R 422A 459,40 Development A ; printing of difficult transcript resources for events R 46A 000,00 R 55A 200,00 Traveling R 46A 000,00 R 46A 000,00 Repackaging of all broadcasts into podcasts and composing articles for online publication R 11A 500,00 R 23A 540,50 Telephone connectivity R 76A 810,80 Refreshments – parents and pedagogues R 82A 800,00 Statistical analysis and concluding year-end study R 192A 027,00 3 ) Collaborative HIV eLearning Undertaking Project direction, disposal, portal development R 300A 000,00 Revision and updating of HIV content in educational faculties, appraisal A ; activities R 89A 700,00 Graphic art and development of synergistic apps, treatment platform R 44A 806,30 Web development + portal license part R 125A 000,00 R 57A 500,00 Customised Jerseies R 33A 284,68 R 16A 642,34 Statistical analysis of questionnaires R 48A 006,76 R 24A 003,38 Evaluation of scholar remarks, pedagogues studies and concluding study R 76A 810,80 R 38A 405,40 Orientation session for SA scholars R 32A 004,50 R 16A 002,25 Entire R 1A 266A 601,18 R 2A 508A 670,50 MRC fiscal disposal levy @ 15 % R 376A 300,58 Grand sum R 1A 266A 601,18 R 2A 884A 971,08 Percentage part by each spouse 33.55 % 66.45 % Year 3 – 2012 16 schools MRC Funder Project direction, disposal, scientists R 402A 500,00 R 402A 500,00 1 ) HIV Peer Educators ‘ Course ( 2 for pedagogues, 1 for parents and 1 for scholars @ 40 participants each ) Peer Education class, statistical analysis, study authorship, refreshments R 783A 594,05 Travel of pedagogues and scholars to peer instruction class R 114A 264,00 2 ) HIV Prevention and Education events ( 3 events for 16 schools ) HIV activities aligned to the SA course of study, presentation, address, parents ‘ stuff R 79A 350,00 Guidance to radio Stationss A ; function theoretical account in colloquialising research content R 42A 543,61 2 hr programme for broadcasts before events – Radio Stations R 105A 800,00 R 220A 831,05 Outside broadcast on yearss of events – Radio Station Engagement of the function theoretical account R 485A 828,31 Development A ; printing of difficult transcript resources for events R 52A 900,00 R 63A 480,00 Traveling R 52A 900,00 R 52A 900,00 Repackaging of all broadcasts into podcasts and composing articles for online publication R 13A 225,00 R 27A 071,58 Telephone connectivity R 88A 332,42 Refreshments – parents and pedagogues R 95A 220,00 Statistical analysis and concluding year-end study R 220A 831,05 3 ) Collaborative HIV eLearning Undertaking Project direction, disposal, portal development R 345A 000,00 Revision and updating of HIV content in educational faculties, appraisal A ; activities R 103A 155,00 Graphic art and development of synergistic apps, treatment platform R 51A 527,25 Web development + portal license part R 143A 750,00 R 66A 125,00 Customised Jerseies R 38A 277,38 R 19A 138,69 Statistical analysis of questionnaires R 55A 207,77 R 27A 603,89 Evaluation of scholar remarks, pedagogues studies and concluding study R 88A 332,42 R 44A 166,21 Orientation session for SA scholars R 36A 805,18 R 18A 402,59 Entire R 1A 456A 591,36 R 2A 884A 971,08 MRC fiscal disposal levy @ 15 % R 432A 745,66 Grand sum R 1A 456A 591,36 R 3A 317A 716,74 Percentage part by each spouse 33.55 % 66.45 % Year 4 – 2013 8 schools MRC Funder Project direction, disposal, scientists R 462A 875,00 R 462A 875,00 1 ) HIV Peer Educators ‘ Course ( 1 for pedagogues and 1 for scholars @ 40 participants each ) Peer Education class, statistical analysis, study authorship, refreshments R 450A 566,58 Travel of pedagogues and scholars to peer instruction class R 65A 701,80 2 ) HIV Prevention and Education events ( 3 events for 8 schools ) HIV activities aligned to the SA course of study, presentation, address, parents ‘ stuff R 45A 626,25 Guidance to radio Stationss A ; function theoretical account in colloquialising research content R 24A 462,57 1 hr programme for broadcasts before events – Radio Stations R 60A 835,00 R 126A 977,85 Outside broadcast on yearss of events – Radio Station Engagement of the function theoretical account R 279A 351,28 Development A ; printing of difficult transcript resources for events R 30A 417,50 R 36A 501,00 Traveling R 30A 417,50 R 30A 417,50 Repackaging of all broadcasts into podcasts and composing articles for online publication R 7A 604,38 R 15A 566,16 Telephone connectivity R 50A 791,14 Refreshments – parents and pedagogues R 54A 751,50 Statistical analysis and concluding year-end study R 126A 977,85 Entire R 662A 238,20 R 1A 700A 477,66 MRC fiscal disposal levy @ 15 % R 255A 071,65 Grand sum R 662A 238,20 R 1A 955A 549,31 Percentage part by each spouse 28.03 % 71.97 % How to cite Web And Media Technologies Platform Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What is up in the mind of a man

Thesis Statement A man is not as complicated as he actually appears, all he needs is to feel secure and to have the feeling that he can believe in his woman totally.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on What is up in the mind of a man? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More What does a man want? A man loves looking out for his women, to the point that he can pamper his manliness, just the same way he looks up to women who appear confident and strong, emotionally. When a woman runs to her man when encountered with problems every now and then, the man might show sympathy and even offer a shoulder to cry on, but this does not last for long. It is good when the woman shares her problems with the man and together they work on solving it, however, it is important for the woman to know when it is too much, as it is due to this reason that many relationships fail. Thus, when a woman learns to solve problems by herself it m akes her man proud of her (Lewis 59). In addition, just like women, a man loves to be looked after. A wife or a girlfriend should know that her man’s mother, looks at him like her baby. The man can deny it as much as he can, however, he loves it when his mother is around, and when he looks for a girlfriend or a wife, he looks for one that has the same, or almost the same qualities like those of her mother. That is the reason some men are referred to as, ‘mamma’s boy’ (Barker 85). A man also enjoys it when his woman balances pampering him with competition and excitement. Furthermore, it is hard for a man to guess what his woman wants. This is because the levels of intuition in him are not the same as those of the woman (Geraldo 27). It is then advisable for a woman to tell her man what she is thinking as opposed to letting him discover all by himself. It might never come to that, and so the woman should do it to avoid feeling miserable. Regardless of his in tuition being poor, a man knows it when his woman is manipulating or controlling him (Geraldo 27). When a woman resorts to manipulative and controlling games, her man usually starts blocking his feelings or sometimes hides them. This most of the time causes violent explosions or emotional breakdowns. In order to be happy and maintain happiness in a man when in a relationship, the woman should be considerate and honest. When respected, a majority of men are capable of being amazing individuals. Moreover, a man always needs his space. It is good to respect that. A woman should give his man enough space to breathe as well as do the ‘ things that guys do.’ It is good to let him indulge with his boys during his night outs. Ultimately, if he is in a relationship that is secure, he will all the time long for his woman’s comfort and snuggle, and will desire to go back home to her.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Men and women are from different planets, and this may be the reason why many relationships work. A man and a woman can be compared to two lines, that despite being straight, intersect somewhere at the end. One cannot do with the other, and one cannot do without the other. Indeed, this can be considered one of creations lovely piece (Batthyany et al 180). What is in the mind of a man regarding Love and Respect Women want to be loved. A woman wants to feel that she is loved every time and if she is not regularly reminded, (not just by words, but also emotionally) she tends to feel like she is unwanted. This is in contrast to how a man feels. When it is true that he wants to be loved, respect is more important to him. A woman should never question her man’s position in the house (Geraldo 39). That shows disrespect and it becomes equal when the man fails to show love. A woman should never disrupt when the man is correcting the c hildren because to the man it signifies extreme disrespect. What a man thinks about Sex A man desires to be desired truly, by means of sex. When a woman makes a man feel like she is making love to him just because it is an obligation, it really turns the man off. This is because most men are satisfied when they know their women are satisfied. That way they feel more confident. When a man is rejected, it becomes very hard for him. He thinks that when he is told no to sex, it is just the same as being told he is not wanted all together (Lewis 72). The image in a man’s mind A woman can see a good-looking man and forget it within a very short time. Men, alternatively, tend to store images in their ‘pictorial’ memory. When they notice a pretty woman, the image can be kept in their mind’s hard drive, for several months. This is not their fault as it is how they are created. It is the basic reason as to why women are advised to dress modestly. What men want when they look at pornography is not necessarily the body of the woman, but the woman’s face. This is because the eyes of the woman have the look that says ‘I want you’, which is what they desire, to be wanted and needed (Gurian 129). What is in a man’s mind about a woman’s outfit? Many men will deny it when asked of what they find admirable amongst a woman’s outfit. However, a man is best identified as the ‘sex visual’ (Hasan 129). According to Imam, to a man, what a woman is putting on can be used to know what kind of woman she is. During a man’s adolescence, a man undergoes a moment whereby he starts to develop a liking for a particular type of dressing in a female.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on What is up in the mind of a man? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some men prefer women in underwear with no-frills because they consider such women c onfident as they let their bodies speak for themselves. Others like it when a woman is in lingerie, mini-dresses, and heels. Overall, men’s preferences are due to their uniqueness (Gurian 130). While a woman is inclined to hide what she perceives as an imperfect body, a man does not see that as important. Imam identifies that a woman might see another woman’s body as imperfect, while a man fails to notice that, but notices a woman in whom he has fallen for. Unsurprisingly, all men tend to be the same in one thing, they admire a woman’s clothing that does not only bring out the woman’s shape, but also the curves that come with it, which bring out the femininity in her, thereby pleasing what they see (Leman 178). What a man admires seeing a woman putting on Imam identifies that, a man likes to see a woman in tight jeans, pencil skirts, and tight dresses. This is because a man likes to perceive that under those clothes is a body, no matter how imperfect it is (Barker 92). Jumpsuits and belted dresses are also their popular choices. To Imam, most men like it when a woman is putting on a classic fitting black dress. If its casual wear, then it has to be fitting such that the body shape is noticeable. If she opts for jeans, then they have to be the skinny ones, but have to be worn together with shoes that are high, as opposed to flat. A simple vest is also considered nice on a woman. If she opts for a top, men like it when she leaves a bit of her cleavage out. Some men consider seductive underwear to please in parties. Most men like heels because they think that they enhance height, and most of all, flatter the body, when a woman is walking. The most admired shoe to men is the ‘almond’ toe. Some men find jewelry on a woman attractive, however most men do not like it when a woman wears so many of them. Many will find it attractive when a woman puts on simple earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. However, women with so many pier cings are disliked as they are considered, prostitutes. What a man dislikes seeing on a woman Men hate women in gladiator sandals. This is because they consider them as outdated. Tunics and smocks are considered as a big ‘no’. Generally, any long garment that camouflages, hides, or shrouds according to many men, makes a woman appear pregnant. Capri pants are considered to make a woman look stupid. Oversized shades are considered as â€Å"ridiculous.† Wearing plenty of makeup is considered an enormous mistake. No man prefers a woman who has a lot of make-up. In fact, many of the men consider women being most attractive to look at when they are somewhat undone. What a man thinks According to Imam, the following is what the outfit of a woman says to men. Imam identifies that to a man, a woman who proclaims of wearing designer clothes is insecure or just shallow minded. Some men consider women who find labels as a priority, to be lost. Consistent to Imam, some fl ee when they notice a woman with designer tags, as they get worried about their balance on their credit cards, in case they start dating. Most men consider women with high heels as â€Å"high-maintenance† (Leman 182).  To a woman, stilettos are a source of power and encouragement. However, in a man’s mind he wonders how much fun she can be having standing while balancing on a six-inch bar. Some men are even worried when walking on the streets with their women on the six-inch shoes as they walk supporting them, so as not to twist their ankle. In the man’s mind at that moment is the worry of having to spend all the night inside the emergency room. Though some men find it appealing when a woman puts on sexy clothes the environment and circumstance where she puts them on is important to them. Some are worried about their prospective dates wearing minis on an outing with their colleagues because they are worried of how their colleagues will judge them. To a man, ac cording to Imam, red lips are a symbol of a powerful, contented, and competent woman. A man is so much attracted to a woman with red lipstick such that when he looks at them he just waits for her to say anything, and he obliges. A man knows best, the way a woman is required to dress since he fantasizes about a woman every time. The clothes that a woman puts on, to a man, define the kind of lifestyle she leads, how confident she is with her body, and therefore how much she can expose. In addition, the classiness and fashion of a woman, to a man, can be defined by her hairdo and makeup. Moreover, the taste and kind of personality that she has can be defined by the choice she makes when it comes to cologne and heels. A woman who is aware of the way to carry a ‘powerful dressing’ in a womanly way is found to be extremely hot, by a man (Hasan 133). A woman in male dress tops to a man is beautiful and powerful. In addition, she is found seductive and feminine. Imam identifie s that the women in these kinds of clothes, to men, are clever and have great elegance. They are aware of how to command a situation no matter how hard (Geraldo 52) Men like seeing women in a 4-inch maximum heel. They consider anything longer than that weird. However, despite being in fashion nowadays, women in jumpsuits are disliked. In addition, women with lighter shades of makeup and a slight contour are found fascinating. In accordance to Imam, men do not like a woman who puts on so much foundation on their face, and puts on very funny hairstyles (Geraldo 54). Overall, when a man likes a woman, he likes every bit of her. He also wants her to appreciate herself. Therefore, to a man, if a woman puts on garments that do not reveal her shape, the man worries that she might not be comfortable in it, and thereby loose her natural beauty due to embarrassment.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The most beautiful thing to a man regarding a female is the body, its lines, and silhouette (Gurian 157).So, men do not like when women cover themselves so much. However, a woman should wear what she feels comfortable in, and her man will appreciate it. In the end, a woman should appear her best. If one is comfortable in her skin and her body, she is on a captivating streak. Any messages a man might read on a woman’s clothing can be outmoded by her inner glow, a smile, coolness, as well as poise. What a man thinks about a relationship In case a man fails to give a name to repeated intimate and social interactions, it is a simple sign that he is unprepared for a long-term relationship. For a majority of males, a title comes with a lot of pressure, accountability and responsibility. When couples fail to live according to the expectations arguments are bound to occur, and eventually, the relationship, for one or both partners, can lack fun. In such a situation, it becomes import ant for the woman to evaluate how she sees herself in the man’s future. This is because in relationships (mostly those that have been there for sometime) dramatic, intense, and life altering circumstances, can occur anytime. This is the reason a majority of the men prefer the ‘friends with benefit’ situation (Hasan 176). Consequently, as most men get bored with such kind of a relationship, the outcome depends on the woman’s decision as to what kind of relationship she wants. If she wants the ‘friends with benefit’, or a concrete relationship then it is her choice to make. Either way, the woman cannot force the man to do something, which he has not made up his mind to do. Works Cited Barker, Geoff. What is on a Man’s Mind: What Every Woman Needs to Know. Sydney: New Holland, 2006. Print. Batthyany, Alexander, and Avshalom C. Elitzur. Mind and Its Place in the World: Non-reductionist Approaches to the Ontology of Consciousness. Frankfurt: Ontos, 2006. Print. Geraldo, Sam. A Woman’s Guide to the Male Mind: Men’s Real Views on Dating, Mating and Sex. Bloomington, Ind: AuthorHouse, 2011. Print. Gurian, Michael. What Could He Be Thinking?: How a Man’s Mind Really Works. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2003. Print. Hasan, Servet. How to Read Any Man’s Mind. Bloomington, Ind: AuthorHouse, 2004. Print. Imam, Zurain. What men want women to wear? August 22, 2012. Web. https://tribune.com.pk/story/423410/whats-on-a-mans-mind/. Leman, Kevin. Making Sense of the Men in Your Life: What Makes Them Tick, What Ticks You Off, and How to Live in Harmony. Nashville, Tenn: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2000. Print. Lewis, Lonnie J. Man’s Mind: Wouldn’t You Want to Know? Sal.: Trafford On Demand Pub, 2011. Print. This research paper on What is up in the mind of a man? was written and submitted by user Isabela Blackwell to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.