Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay about Stop Global Warming Now! - 1242 Words

When thinking about global warming, what comes to mind as the cause? Pollution? Deforestation? Well, my thought is: who creates pollution? Who cuts down all these trees? Who uses fossil fuels? Humans. I don’t believe people are the sole cause, but we are tremendously involved in creating the cause. And really, it’s not so much humans as it is the dramatic increase in population since 1950. In 1950, the population was about 2.5 billion people on this great earth. In 2009—just 59 years later, there are almost 6.8 billion people roaming this globe. And that number continues to grow. By 2050, an estimated 9.3 billion people will call our planet home. My outlook on this serious issue can be construed as dark, glum, or heartless, but I believe†¦show more content†¦There can never be enough food. There can never be enough televisions or books or clothes. So we have to make more. Resulting in pollution from factories, the loss of fossil fuels used to power those factories, and the trees needed to print those books. And what’s so sad, is that that cycle never ends. And if our population continues to grow at this alarming pace, it can only get worse. It’s hard for people to hear, and very hard for myself to say, but death is necessary. Disease is necessary. Murder is necessary. Extinction is necessary. These things must happen to keep the population of any species in check. And I’m not saying to go kill off billions of people to stop this quick demise of humanity. And it may sound cruel and almost ridiculous, but let the diseased, the dying, and the starving die. You see, the problem is, as humans, we care too much. We have too many emotions tied into others that our vision on reality can easily be blurred. Natural selection is real and it is necessary in every aspect of life, especially in containing global warming. Because more people equal more pollution. More paper needed. More poverty. More disease. More unemployment. More homeless. More staving. But we can’t fix everything†¦ yet we try. We feed the starving; we medicate the dying to hold them off for a few, to satisfy our own need to care for someone other than ourselves, for our own greed for popularity and reputation. When that commercial for the kidsShow MoreRelatedWe Must Stop Global Warming Now! Essay2240 Words   |  9 Pages   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the topic of global warming comes up in conversation many people either groan and avoid conversation, or don their dueling gloves and prepare for a heated debate. Some people feel guilty and concerned; some simply do not care.  Ã‚  Different points of view yield different stances on the subject. Coming from the scientific and environmental points of view, myrmecologist Edward O. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

I’ve never been accepted Free Essays

â€Å"Freak.† And â€Å"Monster† were the names I heard day in and day out for the last four years. That’s why, when I got approached by The Mavericks I thought things were looking up for me. We will write a custom essay sample on I’ve never been accepted or any similar topic only for you Order Now Little did I know, things were about to go whirling out of control. It was a piercingly cold day, my hands were raw, I was doing my usual paper round, thinking of giving it up, in hope of bed-ridden mornings and no more bags’ under my eyes. I’d given my last paper to a elderly woman leaving her house to check the milkman had been. He hadn’t. He had stopped coming years ago and then I headed back to the Newfield Newsagent and collected my pay. Twenty pound is what I got paid for getting up at six in the morning, every morning. I made my way across the snow covered field, my feet making firm, strong crunching noises†¦ But wait, why could I hear four footsteps instead of two? I twirled around, SMACK. A strong handed punch left me breathless, and knocked me on my back. â€Å"Wh†¦ what?† I asked, breathlessly. I opened my eyes. Jesus, my glasses had snapped, another reason for my dad to call me hundreds of names. â€Å"GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!† a gruff voice called out, â€Å"who.. who are you?† my usually low voice turned into a whimper, as I attempted to sound strong. A defence technique I learned, living with my beastly father for so long. I cursed myself for sounding fearful. I didn’t get another chance to think of another comeback. A rapid, sharp blow hit my straight in the face again. A ripping sound. Lighter pockets. Crunching noises. Then black. I heard a voice. â€Å"Uh dude? You going to be ok? I opened my eyes, slowly and tried to sit up. My whole body ached. There was blood on my white t-shirt. â€Å"You.. You look pretty bad there.† â€Å"Aw SHUT UP Jonny! Way to make him feel better!† Who were these people? I didn’t recognize there voices. â€Å"Where am i?† I managed to whisper. â€Å"You don’t need to know. All you need to know is that, we found you on a field, covered in blood and brought you here. We’re the Mavericks.† The Mavericks? Not the gang, The Mavericks surely? I looked around, everything was black, and a few cardboard boxes lay around, empty cans of Fosters, cigarette boxes and a pool table. I couldn’t really be with The Mavericks could I? I looked up, three tall men stood before me. They were all wearing black suits and black hats. I was with the Mavericks. â€Å"I need to go, I need†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I stopped mid sentence as I saw a gun being pulled from Tall Man number two, coat jacket. â€Å"You’ll stay right there. Since we saved your life, we can end it too. I think you owe us a favour don’t you?† I gulped. I tried to slow my heartbeat down, afraid that they would hear it. â€Å"Just.. Just let me go. I’ll do anything.† I whimpered. When I said I’d do anything, I didn’t think that they would ask me to do what they did next†¦ â€Å"THERE HE IS! RUN!† Joe screamed, I ran, I fell, I got up and ran again. They wouldn’t let me stop; they will kill me if I gave up on them, if I backed down. We were trying to catch Freddy’s dad, a multi-millionaire jewel extraordinaire. Freddy, the newest member of The Mavericks was running ahead of me, I felt sorry for him. He didn’t want to be in this position was much as I didn’t. Joe said that if he didn’t cooperate on this mission he would kill both his mother and father, and then come back for him. So here we were. three months down the line from them finding me on field, bleeding and shaking in my converse. They were using me I knew that, and as soon as the police came, it would be mine and Freddy’s name that would be read out in court. My voice that would plead not guilty to any crime Joe had committed weeks before. I was just a matter of time. Freddy tripped and fell down. I stopped and helped him back up again. I could see tears roll down his cheeks. â€Å"Don’t let them see you. Quick, lets go!† I whispered hurriedly. We started to run again. Where were we? I couldn’t tell. It was too dark to see anything. The only thing I knew was that we appeared to be in a wasteland. The smell filled my nose as soon as I got there, I covered my nose with my scarf and carried on running, still aware the stench was seeping through it. â€Å"HE’S HEADING TOWARD THE LORRIES! DON’T LET HIM ESCAPE!† I ran harder and faster, overtaking Freddy. I saw a shadow crawl under the lorry and I slowed to a stop, just in time for Freddy to stop behind me. â€Å"Where is he?† Freddy whispered. â€Å"Under the lorry, but be quick. I don’t think anybody’s seen him yet.† I replied. Freddy ran and slid under the lorry, I heard a crash. Like metal hitting a skull. I’d heard it before, when Joe had make me kill a poor innocent man because Joe didn’t like the way he looked at him. I hoped Freddy was ok, I really dd. I sprinted to escape from the wasteland, maybe I could get away now? No-one was around, I saw a entrance to a huge warehouse, maybe I could make it? One look behind me pushed my doubts away. I rushed toward the door, just before I managed to let out a sigh of relief. A heavy hand clamped down on my shoulder. â€Å"I don’t think so Jonathon. You know the rules. Now you’ll pay.† A muffled laugh, a shout. â€Å"HE’S HERE!† the hand that was tightly clamped down on my shoulder, let go. I was going to get it now, I really was. Then I heard heavy footsteps, not running toward me, but running away from me. This was it? They were letting me go? â€Å"JONATHAN, HERE. NOW!† I heard Joe scream. But I was already running. And running. Away from the violence and the crime. Running away. I was finished with the Mavericks, And I never looked back. How to cite I’ve never been accepted, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Hum free essay sample

During the Baroque music period the strings played the most important part during that time. Baroque orchestras had from 10 to 30 players which were primarily strings. The strings and winds played the same music melody motion. The Nodding brass was used as melody instruments to sustain the harmony. (HTTPS:// sites. Google. Com/site/retroviruses/flirtatiousnesss) One example of this style is a piece by Johann Sebastian Bachs The Brandenburg Concerto no. In D Major. The entire piece consisted of flutes, violins, strings, and the harpsichord. This piece is said to be a great importance to the Baroque style because of its dramatic tones and shifts in orchestra. The Classical orchestras used 30 to 60 players in four sections which consisted of strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion. Composers during that would use the individual tones of instruments which gave a piece greater rarity and more rapid changes of tone.Just like the Baroque period the strings Mere the most important part of the section, the violins would take the melody most of the time. We will write a custom essay sample on Hum or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The woodwinds were often given melodic solos, while the horns and rumples brought power to loud passages and filled out the harmony. Famous composer Wolf Gang Amadeus Mozart helped to move the classical period to heights Ninth the production from his orchestra of one flute, two clarinets, two bassoons, two horns, and strings along with a piano. After listening to both Baroque and Classical pieces from the my music kit I could hear that with most of the pieces from the Baroque period had a feel of the dramatic which would tell me that it was a reflection of the times. The Classical pieces I listened to felt like a variety of emotions that the each composer was trying to achieve. These selections are very different compared to modern music mainly because with todays modern music has very limited harmonies while the Baroque and Classical music used complex harmonies and changing from one key to another.